This study was conducted by Zaw W.Htwe, MD, of Norwalk Hospital’s Sleep Disorder Center in Norwalk,Conn. They focused on 259 high school students who completed the School Sleep Habits Questionnaire. Prior to the delay, students reported sleeping a mean of 422 minutes per school night, with a mean bedtime of 10:52 p.m. and a mean wake-up as 6:12. The results of this experiment where that total sleep on school nights increased 33 minutes due to a later rise time. Student’s bedtime on school nights was very late, and weekend night sleep time decreased a little. The majority of students reported no problem with sleepiness after the schedule change. The report demonstrated that students given the opportunity to sleep longer would definitely do it rather than extend their wake activities on school nights. This research demonstrated that students really like to sleep during school nights and prefer to stay on bed rather than make activates. It was interesting because it cleared my idea that I had about this same research and could clarify my doubts.

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