martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Homosexuality Nature or Nurture?

            There has been a big debate in the field of science between the famous term of nature and nurture. The question that has been debated about these two terms is that if some things come by nature or by genetics. Many things may come by genetics because of their parent’s genes and also some things may be changed in your body or your way of acting by nurture or the environment in which you live and are born. This debate has many topics that have been created like athletic ability, intelligence, criminal behavior, personality, homosexuality and creativity. The topic that I chose to talk about and research in depth was homosexuality. In my opinion this case can be both nature and nurture because some kids are simply born with genes of their oppose sex or can because of their environment that can be very girly in a case of a boy and very boyish for a girls and because of that they become homosexuals.
Scientists and psychologists have debated these topics since the early 1930s and where they have still not found a clear example of were homosexuality comes by the genes or by the environment that surround us. Some scientist’s belief that making their decision if they decide to change their sexuality or not because there is no clear example that homosexuality DNA born in people exists or that homosexuality has a gene. Homosexuality has been a topic not accepted for a huge amount of the society especially the religious one because they confirm that God’s idea of creating Adam and Eve provides a clear explanation that homosexuality is not a natural thing. There has been test and examinations to prove whether if homosexuality comes in genes or is influenced by the society or their environment. There has been a research in which they concluded and founded evidence of actual women genes in a boy’s body this causing the kid to become gay because of the women gene that was passed from his mom. Also they have researched by interviewing kids, which are gays and asking them questions of why they become gay or if they really inside of them feel like a girl. In some occasions they concluded that it could have been clearly their environment because maybe a little boy could be surrounded of pure and only girls causing him to become one and think like them. In this topic clearly there is no final answer on which if homosexuality comes by nature or nurture because it could be both.
In conclusion, this topic could continue be debated because there are millions examples of where homosexuality comes from the genes or by nature and if it comes because of the environment in which they leave and the people that surround them. Homosexuality in some occasions can be clearly seen when a kid arrives to his teen age dreams but in some occasions and very really homosexuality can be seen in kids since they are born. After doing my research about this topic I continued with my statement that homosexuality can be both of nature or nurture. 

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